请转法论 Requesting For Turning of the Dharma Wheel

Presented on 05 Feb 2017 Dharma Camp 很多家庭在昨天晚上就在家里拜天公,感恩天公这一年的保佑,也希望来临的一年一切平安。对佛教徒而言,很多寺院会在农历初九这一天举办供斋天。天,顾名思义,就是龙天护法。 Yesterday night, many Chinese families prayed to the Heavenly god to give thanks for his protection, and…


既然今天还在佛欢喜月中,我们就换个话题,谈谈觉林菩萨偈,也成为破地狱偈。 Since we are still in the month of Ullambana, I decided to switch the topic and introduce a Stanza of Bodhisattva Forest of Awareness,…